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Choose your pricing plan
Legs and Glute Training Program
50$Every monthMonthly Subscription - access to equipment requiredÂ- Workouts on app - updates monthly
- Exercise library
- Basic fundamental Strength training
- Cardio - minimal guidance
- Recommend training in a gym
- Meal plan not included
- Must to follow a plan
- Updates monthly
Posing Package
150$Âin person or virtualValid for 4 weeks- 4 - 30 min posing sessions
- Posing on Fridays or Sundays
Custom 8 week program
300$Every 8 weeksFor online clients who can follow a programÂ- Customized 8 week program
- Macros included
- Option to renew/ purchase new plan after 8 weeks
- Access to 12 sessions zoom sessions (6a)
Macro’s + Accountability check in
30$Every monthCalorie goal - Carbs, Fats, ProteinÂ- Ideally updated every 2-4 weeks/ per month
- Carbs, fat, protein goal for your daily calorie intake
- Accountability - macro changes based on check in
- Check in weekly / bi weekly to adjust macros
- Updates based on progression, goals, lifestyle
Custom Meal plan (Marcos plugged in)
100$ÂCustom meal plan to meet your macrosValid for one month- Plug in your food choices to fit your macros
- Advise to stick to plan at least 2-4 weeks
- Repurchase here when you’d like me to change you plan again
- First plan free with 1:1
- Meals plugged in, all you have to do is follow your plan
- Food scale required
Online client - Custom Programming
150$Every monthCustom programming + macro numbersÂ- Macros + custom programming
- Weekly check-ins & feedback
- Tailored to your fitness goals
- Macro nutrition tracking connected to app
- Custom meal planning seperate (plugging in food)
- Premium app experience demos, timers, communication, in app
- Scheduled 1:1 video calls as needed
- MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, Apple Watch, garmin synced
- Total daily calories burned synced with watch
Holiday SZN challenge + Accountability
80$Every monthMacros + Check ins - 11/4-12/27Valid for 2 months- Group Me dm check-in and feed back weekly
- Custom macros
- Challenge meal plan
- Food Group Me for accountability
- Daily Workouts available in app
- Exercise library
Holiday SZN Challenge - Workouts Only
60$Every monthWorkouts only - 11/4-12/27Valid for 2 months- Daily Workouts in app
- Exercise library link
- 8 weeks
8 Week New Years Snap Back Challenge
40$Every month8 Week fitness program targeting fat loss. Including progressively challenging workouts (cardio, HIIT, weights)Valid for 2 months- Meal guide (suggested food changes for best results)
- Steady state cardio on machines and HIIT cardio days
- Weight training days targeting full body
- Core workouts
- Exercise library
- All workouts conveniently found in app
- GroupMe access
- Check in 1x week for accountability
Please make sure that you "cancel" pass on your own before next billing cycle if you need to change passes for any reason. Pass will renew on date of initial purchase.
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